false positive

Hi Buddy,
I removed all the malware from my website. But on the browser, it is still showing this website as malicious. I have attached a screenshot of this warning. can you please mark my website as not malicious? This issue hampers my business. this is my website URL https://arabicjinns.com please take my website to the whitelist.

First it isn’t great to put an active url to a ‘suspect’ site to avoid accidental exposure, modify as I have in the quote.

I also attach a smaller screenshot of the alert with the Details option selected, as the photo of everything is very large.

Avast isn’t alone in flagging it - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/bb4a44d5d3237e67dc1ea9843d980c0d7babf2c171071f8732a52cf1b07eb92a
Some security pointers given here - https://en.internet.nl/site/arabicjinns.com/2558018/
Considered a Medium Security Risk here, with some pointers - https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/arabicjinns.com

A warning on the Word Press plug-in scan:

wordpress-seo 21.7 Warning latest release (21.8) https://yoa.st/1uj

JS Links checked by Google Safe Browse check, VT, and against multiple blacklists: all OK.

Nothing found here: https://quttera.com/detailed_report/arabicjinns.com

But consider vulnerabilities at hoster: https://www.shodan.io/host/

Wait for a final veredict by avast team, as it is on their definitions,
