False positives with Antispam

I have an excellent spam filter at my ISP, so nothing gets through to the PC. However, Avast has recently started marking ALL messages from my Bank and Credit card companies as “Spam!”.
After the first couple of scares, I’ve changed the settings so that instead of “Spam!” it shows “Avast False!” but it’s still a nuisance. If I turn off the spam checker element, then Avast nags me to fix it.
So come on, Avast. Sort it out! Whatever you changed in the spam detection routine, change it back!

Why have 2 Spam checkers running?

I have a 1and1 domain and ,mail server, all mail is checked before it gets to my machines.

Simply remove the avast Antispam from your install.

Control Panel>Programs and Features > uninstall / change > remove antispam

I don’t have two running. I have the ISP one. Once I realised Avast had one (the warnings are a recent “feature”), I turned it off. Avast now nags me to turn it back on again.

If you uninstall antispam from avast, you won’t be nagged. :wink:

If Avast offered an obvious way to uninstall that component, I would. I’ve searched through all the menus. There’s a way to turn it off (and be nagged) but none that I can find to uninstall it - unless I uninstall the whole of Avast, which I really don’t want to do.

You don’t have to uninstall the AntiSpam module. In Avast Settings, go to Appearance tab and scroll down to “Status Monitoring”, uncheck AntiSpam in that section. Avast will no longer nag you about the AntiSpam module being disabled.

I told you how to remove it …

Control Panel>Programs and Features > uninstall / change > remove antispam

Answers to every question you can think of (almost) … http://www.avast.com/en-us/faq.php

How do I add ,change, remove features in avast ? >> http://www.avast.com/en-us/faq.php?article=AVKB96#artTitle <<

Got it. Antispam removed. Thank you. I was looking in the Avast control panel, where it isn’t.