False warning once a day- how to disable?

Avast keeps warning me once per day about a searchengine.


But the engine is of sthe securest ones i know! They do not track or collect data.

But avast is warning me every day. klicking on ignore is diong nothing. how can i disable the fals warning?

please add whitelist of good known searchengines


that does not answer my question. it is a flse alarm or false warning and i do not want to always have to klick ignore to every searchenging someone was giving a bad rating for a unkonown reasonn. for sure that engine is not unsecure or tracks or connects data.

Then contact avast and ask them to … >> https://support.avast.com/support/home > submit a ticket

And even the avasttool on the website says site is good. So what is the warning for and how do i disable the warning?


As you understand German, see: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?msg=1272487

Are you using the latest version of Avast ??? I’m not getting any warnings. :slight_smile:

Hi Bob, no need to push the topic, the devs are on it.

Thanks but I don’t usually check another language to get an update here. :slight_smile:

No problem, I thought so. :wink: