Family Pack

Hi There,

I have purchased a family pack (10 Licences) and want to install licences on 5 computers, I do not have a server so I have to install a separate licence on each computer. I was only sent a licence.dat file which I assume is for a server installation, how do I get this software to install and run on individual machines?

Max Weston

This is just a guess on my part but have you tried to open the .dat file with a text editor (Notepad)
to see if the License information can be copied from within that file ?

yeah i think you tried to open the .dat file with a text editor (Notepad) to see if the License information can be copied from within that file ?

Welcome to the forums, Max. :slight_smile:

Since you do not have a server, you really did not need the Family Pack. Instead, you only needed either the Home or Professional versions. The Home version can be installed on more than one computer in a non-commercial environment and use the same key.

At this point, I suggest that you write to and explain your situation in the email.