Famous ActiveX error--getting frustrated here!

Strange…when I try to run services.msc and gpedit.msc in WinXP Pro with start-run like I normally would, I get this ActiveX message.


I also get that error while trying to launch Avast Pro via Start–Programs or right clicking the icon and selecting ‘start Avast antivirus’. When I click ‘yes’, I get the error below…when I click ‘no’, Avast actually stays open. ::slight_smile:

With the .msc’s, these are the error results:

If I click ‘no’, it opens but with ZERO information and in extended view instead of standard.

If I click 'yes, I get this every time:


Whether I click OK or Cancel, it terminates.

I’ve already uninstalled Avast once and the errors were gone…upon reinstalling, they’re back…I tried the ‘repair’ option that seemed to help this guy, but that didn’t help either.

Any suggestions?


What is the exact build of avast! you use?

4.6 v623

I was able to get my .msc’s fixed…I repaired Avast TWICE, rebooted twice after the 2nd repair.

Now I don’t get the error when I try to launch any .msc programs, but I still get it when launching Avast itself. I had to restore my view settings with Services and Group Policy Editor with this.

Has Norton AV ever been installed on this machine?

Yep, Norton Internet Security 2004 was installed.

No, I did not use the custom Symantec uninstaller (didn’t know there was one). I just uninstalled everything via add/remove.


So what’s the bad news?

Take a good look in here http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2001092114452606 , and read all those instructions. Download file called Rnav2003.exe and use it.

I’m not sure, but it may be good thing to reinstall avast! after you completely removed all traces of Norton from your system.

Cheers !

Sasha, actually this link is for Norton 2003 (or earlier).
The relevant link is here: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/tsgeninfo.nsf/docid/2004071910434606?Open&src=sg&docid=2004091310145206&nsf=nav.nsf&view=5faa3ca6df6f549888256edd0061c0a4&dtype=&prod=Norton%20AntiVirus&ver=2005&osv=&osv_lvl=

From my experience, the most important are sections 2 and 3 on this page. I.e. applying the reg file and reinstalling “Windows Script 5.6”.

Are making these changes, everything should be fine.


Sorry Vlk and thanks for correcting me, you’re right… My apology guys. I haven’t noticed he said 2004 :-[ My bad…

Sorry again, but at least he’s got the picture what he has to do in cases like this.

Cheers !

Awesome, thanks for the info (and link)…I’ll check this out later today and post back with my results.


Okay…being the computer geek that I am, I just couldn’t wait. I only performed steps 2 & 3 (registry removal and script
install) and everything seems to be back to normal. No more error messages when I launch Avast!

Thanks a ton guys, you’re a great bunch.

Alwil is a greatest bunch of people ever, I am sorry that I am not part of the Alwil team, sure it would be my pleasure working for them :smiley:
…but, I am happy (as well as many other members of avast! forums technical support) that I am able to hang around and provide my help if needed. Greatest satisfaction is when we see people happy because we worked on their problem together. If you are happy, everyone will be, believe me. :wink:

Vlk helped you a lot, he is just proving that they are greatest !

Hang around and try to help others when needed. Believe me they will know how to appreciate your trying…

Cheers !