I updated another program and thereafter Avast would not start up. I used the icon on main screen which would start up the program but Avast would never startup again on bootup. So I went to Site and downloaded Avast 4.8 Prof again… Setup wanted to delete the existing program which I did after making note of my prior license key and exp date for updates. So the Avast app was deleted but not reinstalled automatically. I went back to site and downloaded again and Avast reinstalled and seems to be working properly again… However when I typed in the license key I got screen saying it was invalid… So now I have the 7 day trial of the same 4.8 app but don’t know how to get my old license key accepted so it becomes permanent again?
Welcome to the forums, jrehner
You left out an important piece of information.
So, what was “another program” named?
No I didn’t leave out any pertinent info because I now have Avast 4.8 prof up and working with the app that caused the problem which happened to be Quickcare for Qwest… The problem is that my Avast is under 7 day trial now on the download and my prior licence or registration key doesn’t work as the FAQ topic on this issue said it would—I did not JUST buy Avast 4.8 prof–it has been installed for some time… I created a ticket on this with support after I got no quick replies here and have heard nothing from support either
OK, that’s fine. Have a happy life.
The other thing is that my problem has nothing to do not with technical support but rather with customer service and I see no link to customer service… I don’t think I want to place my license number with exp time for my auto updates here but customer service could certainly verify them and tell how to reinstate my app… Further before I downloaded Avast again from the site I searched my computer under my Avast program files and could not find the original setup exe program and those that I tried simply would not work…
The freakin Icon on my desktop is not the setup app and simply opens the app but I had to manually get updates while my computer was up and when I rebooted Avast did not reboot or appear in the tray. I went to settings and even though I indicated I wanted it to go into tray on bootup that did not occur either–I then selected the option for it to boot after Other services and that did nothing either…
Then I searched the FAQ which basically to download the app again and insert the license info but that failed…
You may want to contact sales@avast.com.
Quickcare for QwestWhich version of Quickcare for Qwest are you using ???
EDIT - I have asked a moderator to review this problem.
And I say again–Avast is now working fine with 2.7 Quickcare but my avast is now under the 7 day trial because my program files and desktop icon did not have the setup program for Avast. I downloaded the Avast program again as the suggested solution in the FAQ, and that worked BUT for the reinstatement of my paid standing…Thus after 5 more days Avast will no longer work
The whole problem was no doubt due to my failure to close Avast before I allowed the quest quickcare update to occur and the app to update suggested same. After the update of quickcare, neither Avast nor ATI Catalyst Control were in my Tray anymore. I was able to rectify CCC by simply opening the app again.
NOW if I were dealing with the FREE version of Avast I could simply get a Resend of the License Key… SO what I need help doing is to get the registration or License key in my previously PAID version to work with the Trial to reinstate my paid standing thru 2012–I thought when I entered the key that maybe some of the zero’s were the letter O instead but the letter O could not be entered and so I believe I copied down the # corrected before my original app was deleted. One can’t copy and paste the key as u can’t highlight it separately
OK I got an email from tech support and they provided an attachment with a license key for Avast 5 and stated it only works with Avast 5. So directions say to Start Avast 5 but I would think the first instruction would be to Download Avast 5. (I tried anyway to open the attachment with Avast 4.8 Pro but the program was not recognised). I went to downloads and see no way to download avast 5 Pro without buying it first.
They assumed you would know to download v5 or that you have already done so … else you would have no program with which to use the key.
Go to the link below > scroll down to the English version on left side > click on the download button to the right > you will be downloading the 30-day trial > use the key with that program.
How it came out–I downloaded Avast 5 Pro using the link provided by the person above which was the trial version and once it was installed I used the license key attachment on my desktop that had been provided by tech support. That automatically installed same and I then had a paid version and have had no other problems… I don’t know why I couldn’t get a key for 4.8 pro and now I am using 5 instead.
So if anyone reading this has an issue with 4.8 pro where they need to get another key–don’t bother downloading 4.8 pro–download Avast 5 Pro----there is another link which is not readily available on the website but which u can find in a number of posts here that provide a link where u input your old 4.8 pro license # to get the necessary for getting reinstated instead under Avast 5 Pro—Avast 5 no longer uses a license # but the attachment they give automatically recognises Avast 5 Pro and updates the info under About Avast-Maintenance–subscription–u now have a customer #.
Glad that worked for you!
Anyway, it will not be too long before 4.8 will no longer be supported and then you would have to upgrade.