FBI Virus

Last night I ran MBAM and Avast boot scan. I had done a previous scan with MBAM on Jan 10. I now have the affected files quarantined on both programs, but want to be sure there are no other issues. I have experienced some issues the past few days of programs loading and running slower than usual. Please see the attached files and let me know if any questions. Thank you.

Adding attachment of Extras.txt.

malware removers are notified. it may take hours before one arrive so be patient

Well, with these ransomwares, if your desktop is not locked down anymore (or never was) and that you can open image/music/video/documents normally, then it’s fine. You can make few more checks with other vendors just to be sure but that should pretty much be it really.

If you cannot access your documents and media, then you have a problem. Otherwise, no problems imo.

Looks clean, any problems ?

First off, thank you for the fast replies. There haven’t been any other issues I’ve noticed. So am I to understand that I am safe to delete these from the quarantine / virus chest? Would really just like to see them gone. Thanks again for all your help.

Yep empty the chest although they are harmless there