If you make some minor changes in signed exe files (e.g. change firefox.exe icons with a resource editor), Avast loads tens of extra DLLs when running the file.
You can test it by creating a dump file.
I’d like to have an option to white-list that file and make Avast treat it as signed.
If and when you have some free time, could you please test your suggestion?
I currently don’t have Avast installed on my machine, but when I did - excluding the file didn’t make any difference.
I don’t know what it is you want me to check as I don’t know what your problem is exactly - but I have done many exclusions of a long time for various things and my exclusions have worked (not knowing what shield/function was involved).
What I can’t test is what I don’t know, if you have tried exclusion/s, what was the text of the exclusion and which exclusion was it entered in, e.g. to see if it can be replicated and why it didn’t work.
@ Yaron10
If you look at my signature under my posts you will see that this system is XP Pro SP3 and task manager doesn’t support creation of a dump file.
It would certainly be wise to take advantage of Igor now he has joined the topic and give a list of the DLLs if you can.
Some months ago I corresponded with an Avast team member (Ticket # DCS-927-82633), sent him the dump files, and the bottom line was he didn’t understand the problem and this is how Avast should work.
I switched back then to another AV, but I’d like to reinstall and use Avast if the problem was fixed.
Would you be kind enough to reproduce and test it yourself?