Feature request for the firewall: block all traffic except...

I remember my old times with ZoneAlarm when I could block all the Internet (network) traffic and, at the same time, let some applications out of this blackout.
I know we can block all traffic with avast! Internet Security, but I didn’t find a way to manage exclusions.

I’m asking this because when I use my mobile as a modem and I need to pay for the Internet traffic, I wish the less the better. I wish just avast update and get mail, for instance, blocking everything else.

I also know I could post this wish where-you-know-website-wishes, but very few people is going there…
Can this be done for a next version? :-\

Tech :slight_smile:

I would ask Lukas if I were you :wink:

Greetz, Red.

I’m do asking Lukas, who more? ;D

I like it Tech

Thanks. I’m not alone :slight_smile: