Feature Request - Hide Anti-Theft in AMS

I wasn’t sure where to put this, so I figured here was as good a place as any. Please move it if it belongs somewhere else.

There are some really great security measures in place to keep Anti-Theft hidden on your device, especially if you’ve rooted your phone (renaming the app, removing the icon from the app drawer and app management menu), but one thing seems to make all of these options to hide it pretty pointless.

If you open Avast Mobile Security, which is pretty easy to notice given the large notification bar icon (on a side note, if you could make an option to make this invisible on the notification bar but still in the notification pull-down, that would be awesome), all it takes is a maximum of two clicks (taps? since it’s a mobile phone) to see that there is some kind of anti-theft on the phone. The anti-theft settings are available in the Avast Mobile Security app. Even if you don’t know the passcode, “Anti-Theft” shows in the background of the Avast Mobile Security app while the prompt for the passcode is in the foreground, although it is somewhat blurred.

I have a couple of suggestions for this:

1 - Remove the settings for Anti-Theft from AMS altogether, and put them in a menu in Anti-Theft only. This seems like the most secure solution, because then you wouldn’t need to lock AMS to keep Anti-Theft hidden, making it less suspicious if someone gets ahold of your phone. After all, who locks their anti-virus program? Also, these settings are duplicates of the settings in Anti-Theft itself; they don’t need to be in two places.

2 - Move the Anti-Theft settings to a sub-menu within AMS, rather than having them at top level, so you at least can’t see them from the app’s lock screen.

Thanks for the suggestion, but what would be the reason for that?
I’m not sure I understand why it would be useful.


The reason is that Anti-Theft is designed to be hidden, in fact has numerous options to make it virtually invisible, but it’s never really hidden if it can be easily seen from Avast Mobile Security. Especially if Avast Mobile Security has a bright orange icon in the notification bar showing that it’s running. Click the notification drop-down item, click “avast mobile security is protecting you,” and Poof! Anti-Theft shows up in the list of features. Even if it’s password protected.

yup, i’d appreciate that too, after all i wanna increase the chance of retrieval.
i can hide cerberus from the app drawer, would love to have your anti theft a bit more stealthy.

Yes, it does show there. So what the thief does? Goes ahead and uninstalls avast! Mobile Security, right?

But that doesn’t do the trick (even though it looks like it does).
