Feature Request: Option to Speed Up Complete Scans

At the moment a complete scan of my system takes 4 hours.

As I normally don’t work with my pc during scans, I would appreciate an option that allows avast to take full advantage of the power of my pc and use all available resources to run the scans with maximum possible speed.

Then I could do scans during breaks at lunch time, or so.

Are you performing a Full System Scan with all settings at default?

There is the option to create a custom scan which you can select the settings that you want to use.

Selecting persistent cache should speed things up.

Keep in mind that the first time you scan with the persistent cache, the scan will take significantly longer due to the need to populate the cache with data about your files currently on the drive. However, as Charyb noted, you should see a major improvement in speed with subsequent scans.

One other trick which might help, if you don’t already have it active, is to tick that option for scanning files in physically consecutive order (i.e., adjacent locations on the drive) rather than their directory order. That’ll save having to jump all over the disk while scanning, and should speed up the scan a little as a result. (I’ve never bothered to benchmark just how much improvement there is.)

Thanks, i will try that.