[feature requests & bugs] multiple pin codes, firewall enhancements etc.


i hope feature requests are welcome :slight_smile:

feature requests:

  1. multiple pin codes

it is necesseray, at least in our enterprise environment (but also for
private users), to have multiple (at least two different) pin codes for
different SMS actions. e.g. please make at least “LOCK”, “WIPE” and
“FOUND” independent of all the other commands because we don’t want to
give responsible persons/admins or the girlfriend the right to take
over the whole phone via SMS commands (read/write SMS, etc.) :slight_smile:

  1. control app permissions for android 4 / ICS
    as already mentioned in other posts within this forum, i’m aware that
    you will consider this feature.

this feature would be a clear differentiator in comparison to other
similar products. our company would also be willing to pay a license fee
(similar to the old theft-aware, one-time 10 euro fee) for a “pro” or
“enterprise” version. maybe you can ask this German developer of
“PDroid Privacy Protection” to implement something for you :slight_smile:
currently we didn’t find any solution for android 4.0 / ICS that has
this feature, and we also don’t trust comparable products (e.g. the
Chinese LBE privacy guard).

  1. evaluate avast firewall if it is possible to block Internet
    access of apps on a more granular level, say based on IP-addresses or
    domains similar to desktop firewalls. i’m not sure if this is even
    possible in your firewall implementation.
    this feature would be similar to DroidWall advanced settings where one
    can define custom rules, but of course a nice GUI would be
    great :slight_smile: again, this could be included in an enterprise version.

potential bugs / enhancements:

  • when setting theft-aware to auto-update it will trigger a clearly
    visible alert in the notification bar (with the name “Avast
    Anti-Theft” instead of the newly chosen one) which is of course a
    problem if the phone has been stolen, as Anti-Theft should stay as
    much invisible as possible.

  • why is the feature “show notification icon” necessary for security?
    the product doesn’t explain this and we don’t see any reason for that,
    except maybe to notify that new virus definitions are here. i’ve read
    other posts regarding this feature, but couldn’t find a clear answer.

    maybe you could add a short description somewhere within the product.

  • allow longer PINs, not only max 6 digits, our policy usually requires
    longer PINs, so that is a problem.

  • maybe remove Anti-Theft from the menu within avast mobile security as it
    should stay hidden. we don’t require a pin for avast mobile security,
    but we do require one for Anti-Theft, which is also accessible via the

  • allow more than two “friends” for Anti-Theft, we’d need at least
    three different contact persons.

best regards,


feature requests are always welcome :slight_smile: I will get back to you sometimes in 1/2012, hope you don’t mind :slight_smile:


hi regarding anti-theft in mobile security → once you enable anti-theft mobile security will automatically become password protected as well. so no need to remove the item.

regarding notification about update: it is only shown if the SIM card is trusted and the phone is not marked as LOST.

hi i am also having the same problem best i can tell when i have anti theft enabled and the put it in stelth mode it does not hide on reboot and registers as a lost or stolen phone i do not do a lot of post but i believe in the product and want to see it get fixed if i need to post all my setting i will be happy to do so this is a rooted install to quote another user this is almost the same problem

oct potential bugs / enhancements:

  • when setting theft-aware to auto-update it will trigger a clearly
    visible alert in the notification bar (with the name “Avast
    Anti-Theft” instead of the newly chosen one) which is of course a
    problem if the phone has been stolen, as Anti-Theft should stay as
    much invisible as possible.

you can contact me at osxfanboy@gmail.com with any questions or fixes

any news on this? or did you mean Q1? :slight_smile:

You’re right,man! :wink: That’s excatly what I wanted to suggest as well…

Any chance support for Google Voice Texts in a future version? I use Google Voice and do not have SMS turned on. Would need to call AT&T to turn it on to send a text, which is my current plan if I need to send the phone a message.