Feature requests

I open this topic for new feature requests. If somebody have some good idea, please comment here, so we can make better the free Business version.


  • add software updater (like avast free)
  • settings which notification send via email
  • delete notifications list
  • settings for install or uninstall (on,off) Browser Protection


  • add software updater (like avast free)
    Already in the works.

  • settings which notification send via email
    New notification system already in the works

  • delete notifications list

  • settings for install or uninstall (on,off) Browser Protection
    The browser add-on has been removed from the new version 2505 ( I think it was actually removed before then as I haven’t see in install the add-on in several weeks)

Feature request can also be submitted by clicking the support link in the portal and submit ticket.



These are good news, thank you Jeff!

Can you say approx a date when will the new release come? July or August?

Thank you very much!


Not at this time, due to several factors it’s not possible to really "set"a date for release as issues could come up that push it back.



I have a suggestion too :slight_smile:

It would be great if avast cloud for business includes a web filter…

Many enterprises needs a easy way to block social networks websites, emails websites, etc…


I’d really like to see the web console to be more compatible with smartphone/tablet browsers, or an Android app. Currently I am maintaining notifications and tasks using Chrome for Android on a smartphone and it mostly works but scrolling usually doesn’t and is horribly slow too.


@tonanet - You can block websites, network>settings>template you use>advanced select customize for the webshiled then site blocking tab.

@GFM, we are working on a mobile app for this and should be redy later this year.

Keep um comming :slight_smile:



Anything come of the mobile or Android app for business?