Feature suggestion regarding file submission via Virus Chest

While possible to submit multiple files at once, the current system makes this EXTREMELY cumbersome by forcing the user to reselect potential malware/false positive and retick the checkbox for each file submitted.

Suggestion: when submitting multiple files, include some method of suppressing the prompt screen for each individual file.

Well I just tested this and although they are sent individually (HTTP upload now on 4.8.1282), you can select multiple files in the chest, see image.

Right click on the selected files and select email to Alwil software (hopefully this text will be changed in due course), whilst you only see one displayed you can enter the details (copy any general info that is the same for all) and click Submit.

Now the next one is in view (was behind the first), paste any general text and any additional comments and click Submit, do this for all and your good to go, much quicker than the old system.

Yes it would be nice if the Comma separator for multiple submissions (of the same type, Undetected/FP, etc.) as used in other avast areas could be used here.

Yes you can. I know that. My gripe is that the prompt screen pops up for EVERY file. The old version had a checkbox to suppress the prompt dialog after you fill it in the first time for multiple file submission; this checkbox is conspicuously absent in 4.8.1282.

It’s not much of a problem when you submit a file occasionally every now and then, but when you have to send 30-40 files per day it quickly becomes a huge annoyance.

I had forgotten about the suppression check box, I don’t submit that many, so as you mention isn’t that much hassle for me.