Hi all, I couldn’t find a search function, so please bear with me if this question’s been answered already. I have a few niggles with Firefox and have been advised by Mozilla forum members that Norton may be the problem. It was suggested that a move to Avast would resolve the issues.
The feature of Norton that I like a lot is the Identity Safe function, which securely stores all my user names and passwords and offers them when I call up the respective websites (after I’ve logged on to IS at session start). I’ve looked at the spec. for Avast but can’t find a comparable feature. Is there one?
The problem does concern the Bookmarks toolbar in FF, which sometimes doesn’t load up with the actual bookmark tabs, even though the bar itself is there. I noted that I was considering a switch to Google Chrome, but I’m still waiting for Norton to make Identity Safe work on there.
It’s only a small glitch and well offset by the benefits of Identity Safe. I have over ninety logons and Identity safe is very useful in offering up the appropriate username/password when I need it.
On that basis, I may have to stick with Norton until there’s an equivalent facility elsewhere.
Actually i just realised that filehippo is still showing 1.20 as the latest, if you go to here http://keepass.info/ you can get the latest which is 2.16, you can also get there by clicking the keypass link at filehippo.
Thanks again. I’ve looked at the keepass site and will check it out this evening. I’m hoping there’s a migration option, but could live with manual input if I have to.
I recommend Lastpass over Keespass. It is a desktop and cloud based password. That means,if you install lastpass on your desktop and you go to university, you still can access your passwords if there is an internet connection. What they store on their servers are encrypted. Hence, even their employees cannot access your password.
The best thing is Lastpass takes their security very seriously. Earlier this year, they detected some abnormal internet traffic on their servers, they shutdown lastpass and force everyone to change their master password.
Thats the problem with cloud based stuff, if servers go down or not in internet range your buggered, at least keepass is portable so you’ve always got access no matter what and like any password manager they also take security very seriously
Hi Ian
Without wishing to quench your enthusiasm for avast!, I don’t think it will help with the FF Bookmarks issue. I’ve already reverted a machines running ‘avast! Internet Security’ back to FF3 due to repeatedly “disappearing” Bookmarks.
Vladimyr if you read reply 2 you’ll notice that iancol is not concerned or asking about FF bookmarks, he is asking about identity safe password storage and if avast has this feature.
Stop!!! :o I’m really sorry I started this thread. I’ve just downloaded Keepass and looked at its implementation. No thanks! With Norton Identity Safe (NIS), all I have to do, if logged on to NIS, is fill in a username and password once and it’ll prompt me to store it. Next time I use that site (and assuming I’ve signed into NIS, if I haven’t, it offers the NIS sign-on screen), it prompts me with the saved username and password. I’ve been using Norton for years and never had an identity or security issue, so I think I’ll keep it simple and stay with what I know.
The bookmarks was his issue on Firefox forums. Evidently, it’s not on this forum, although he mentioned that Avast was recommended on the Firefox thread by a couple of users. Norton Identity Safe was never mentioned in the Firefox thread. Makes it easy to jump to conclusions.
FWIW, I’ve had no issues with lost bookmarks in any versions of Firefox, using Avast or way back when I was using AVG nor Norton.