Features suggestion.

Hello,Ive started using anti theft in the past days, is a wonderful app but I have some suggestions to make it better. 1.Make the phone AUTOMATICALLY connect to open wifi on locate or lost sms.Turning wifi on is useless if you are not in the range of stored wifis so connecting automatically if it finds out an open wifi can be very useful. 2.When you send the locate sms it only tries to find the phone using wifi or gps but it doesnt turn on the 3g.It should try enabling the 3g on locate sms on rooted devices and turn all of them off after the response.(Why is no option to disable the 3g if is on or only enable it on request,that could give you more chances to find your phone without wasting battery if no locate request is send.
3.Take a picture (or more)with the front camera of the theft,store it/them and send it/them to account panel when internet is available, it would be impossible to find your phone within a 30m distance in crowded spaces without a picture of the theft(I heard that this option is almost here?)
4.Record audio and send it to account panel when internet is available.(Knowing his voice and hearing things around him could be a good lead.

I would even pay few € to get those feature stable and running.
Thank you and hoping to get an answer for all the above suggestions.
Sorry for my bad english.

record audio/take picture is already developed but not yet released.
i have the turn-on-3g thing on my list

ok but what about connecting automatically to open networks?Ive seen other apps doing it, is a must for recovering a phone and the thing on your list, will it do what ive said,enable gps+wifi+3g to check location and after response they`ill get disabled automatically all of them?

you need rooted phone for enabling 3g

why you keep ignoring my question about connecting automatically to open wifi thing?I think you didin`t understood me right, the 3g gets activated only on lost command, it would be nice to be activated on locate command for getting the location via 3g on rooted phones;)