Feed the Hungry

anyone want to feed to hungry and possibly enhance your vocabulary at the same time?
Try Freerice! http://www.freerice.com/ For every question you get correct they donate 20 grains of rice through U.N world food program.


This has been posted before but well worth posting again and again. :slight_smile:

I just donated 3000 grains of rice. :smiley:

Good :slight_smile: forgive me I didnt know that it had been posted before but I decided to post it up because im trying to help out as much as I can as my quote says “change the world with random acts of kindness” this so far is my contribution.

No problem, Justin. :slight_smile:

As I posted above … it’s worth posting again and again. :slight_smile:

Children’s Cup International Relief

Children’s Cup’s purpose is to take humanitarian and spiritual aid into the hard places where war, natural disasters and disease epidemics have devastated societies.

These children in hard places know horrors our children have never heard of.

Hi Justin…

Hey, right on! :slight_smile:

I’ll add that to my signature along with my other one to help get the word out. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

Umm rice…

But I’m happy that I donated some…

How very true. :frowning:

That site is addictive. I didn’t realize there were so many words that I didn’t know. Although many of them weren’t English, it was fun to find out the meanings and help at the same time. I finally went to the Math section which was quite easy and ended up with 9000 grains.
RoRo 8) 8)