Feedback for free version of antivirus

don’t know if it matters or even anyone will read this post but stil i will give my and more than 50 other clients that i have thoughts about free version of antivirus. So as regular user there is few major requirements for antivirus software and others is just for individual as options.
Now i have to give a credit for new design and full support of localisation. Good job and keep it that way.
Let’s talk about feutures of the antivirus itself. Supports for basic file scan and protection, that’s the base of it. Supports web security - good, becouse majority of malware/viruses comes from internet throught download.
Now what for do you think is email protection? It’s checked in default installation and is for local email clients, witch i don’t think that is very popular and if someone uses it than this option shud be checked upon beginning of whole isntallation process (scan for email clients etc, and ANY profile axistance). I know that is alot of stuff to do and easyer to just check/uncheck option on custom instalation process. Anyways that isn’t a very important and every users everydays choise. More than 80 percent of my known users uses gmail, orthers yahoo and othe webmail clients so they dont need an client on pc in order to write/read mail. That is the most logic decision of them and i agree.
Let’s talk about other “optional” stuff that the default isntallation provides.

  • Browser protection. This is a toolbar/plugin. It checks/shows reputation of websites, blocks unwanted and stuff. Did you read google chrome and firefox projects and how they already has this implemented? So in my opinion it’s unneeded stuff that also creates icon, sometimes whole toolbar on browser. All the time that i am in PC repair none of the toolbars has helped me.
  • Software updater. The idea is ok but the approach to warn and insist on updates, open windows, popups for user… Not that way please. Make it salent with one small window and jently ask client does he wants that software wud be updated for him and auto install it if you can. If you can’t then why are you even trying toanoy clients?
  • Remote help. Antivirus works or not. If client has antivirus preinstalled than the only think he needs to know the place where the pc was preinstalled and where to call if antivirus not working. Logic? The only one think that this feuture is needed i think for paid users, for assistance with license or something like that. It doesn’t need to be bundled in to default installation.
  • SecureLine. This already had some issues with some clients and slowdowns up-to 60perc of the internet speed. If client got internet that without antivirus runs on 99,1mb/s and after installation of antivirus it does slow down to 60mb/s gues what he will unisntall first to get the full speed again? Once again, not required feuture, more like very optional and i think it needs more testing. Secure lines are ok, ssl, tls but encryption isn’t so fast to do all on-the-fly.
  • GrimeFighter. Ok but it shud not be optional, it shud be integrated and not removable feuture.
  • Rescue disc. Well… Wo ever used this? Do you make statistics or something to consider about it’s need?
  • Browser control. Well, you have an browser protection as main feuture, what for all this additional stuff?
  • Avast Desktop gadget. Yeah, we all use it so often that wee need faster than system tray access to the antivirus… What about did your team thinked when was making this?

What antivirus SHUD do and how it SHUD act to satisfy regular client:

  • Work in backgroud and be silent on small virus found. Just block access to malware/virus software, remove it and only on serious impact of the virus software inform user with a window about the situation in hes computer. Noone needs to be scared on small malware detection and jump off from pc when avast sounds are playing. Btw, about the sounds everyone is turning it off and turning silent gaming mode on. Only in this way antivirus acts like it shud be, quietly.
  • The registration of the software is ok but the idea of expiration of the software in one year and it needs to be re-registered, mostly with same creditials is logic? Why not make it auto registration as an option, just put checkmark to auto register software when it’s regsitration ends.Instead of that it just turns of to minimum, pops up with registration windows and again, anoying the user. Why not to save everyones time and make it auto? It’s not a commercial product.
  • As an auto registration option abow the auto-update of main program core files is essential to. Maibe i’m missing the option and still not found, than yeah, sorry but that feuture to update uppon restart of the computer is welcome to. In one year software updates several times and in the end it gets outdated, needs manual update. Maybe it’s pro or some kind of othe commercial feuture/option but it’s welcome on the free version to.

Hope some of my words goes to dev team, if not - oh well… atleast i tried. This is only ideas to think about, ways to get better. I am already lost all bets on avg and avira becouse of minor minuses in that software. You will propably suggest me to recomend clients get an paid antivirus versions and that way it will get all the feutures? Hmm that wud be logic but think as the client, you already paying for the repair/reinstall of the pc and pay for antivirus when there is free and also good antivirus software? And it istn’t cheap to… So They will choose free version instead. Wo doubt it - ask anyone in the street what antivirus they wud choose if there is free and paid versions :slight_smile:
So that’s all from me. Hope this was interenting to read, sorry for grammar, i’m not and english.

You forget all the users at companies who do use a email-client.
You forget that many (perhaps even most) people in the world use a email-client.
You forget that many people are using a email-client to pick-up en send mail through their webmail address.

Browser protection:
Yes in Chrome, FF (and others) have some security implemented,
yet over 80% of the people who are using either of them (or both) still get their system infected.
Nothing wrong with some more protection/warning methods provided by avast.

Software updater:
Users can disable it, disable the pop-ups only or do both.

Remote connection/help:
It is not just for help with avast, it is a general remote connection option.

It is a extra that people can buy.
It doesn’t come packed with the av.
It is optional.

Since it is a standalone application, integration would be a silly thing to do.

Rescue disc:
If there was no need/requests for it, it would not be integrated.
So yes, there are a lot of people who are using it.

What a av should do:
avast works in the background.
Users have the choice if they want to get warned or not when something is found.
I bet most people have the warnings on and not like you say off.

Yes it is logical that a registration expires.
One year is only for the free version and for those who bought a one year subscription.
Paid users have to option to auto-renew.
The expiration of one year for the free version is to keep track on how many (approximately) people are using it.

Next time before posting, please make yourself familiar with the options avast (or any other software) has and get your facts right.

PC repair isn’t cheap?
Perhaps you are charging people too much.
€20,00 is what I charge per hour (commercially)

*2) Yes it is logical that a registration expires. One year is only for the free version and for those who bought a one year subscription. Paid users have to option to auto-renew. [b]The expiration of one year for the free version is to keep track on how many (approximately) people are using it.[/b]
i am not a programmer, but guessing it should not be to difficult to make this automatic ..... huh? ???

I was talking about default options that are chosen when you install by default, yes you can choose custom but allways will get an extra if you forget to check what exactly is installed and what is turned on by default.
I was talking from feedback of regular and bellow average skill users. They are not diging in to settings, not allways reading what the program is poping up and most of the times they just search for an X. That is below average users behavior.
For repair of pc user charged below 10pounds if you count in uk currency so the repair itself is cheaper than one program. If you charge the user to pay twice the repair price he will think: better stay without protection but twice he can repair the pc. I understand that you as far from average user can thing in a direrend way and try to convince the novice users in that, but this feedback is based on that userlevel. I thought so that it will be impossible to think in other way… I got an idea, get your granpa or granma, let them install avast by themselves and use for a day or two, you will understand what about this is all. :wink:

My oldest customer is a 93 year old woman and she has no problems at all with installing/removing things.

An acquaintance of mine who rings me occasionally (once a year) to check on his avast free configuration status is 76.
The only reaction I got from him, see attached. avast! is an av solution that is particularly elderly friendly. ;D
We have lot of users here that are pensioners. :smiley:
