FeedDemon and WebShield

I already use FeedDemon as RSS Reader, and I noticed that WebShield doesn’t work with It. NetShield block some bad sites but WebShield not scan files or block the custom URL. The same happens with other browsers based on IE ActiveX, but not with IE itself. I use Windows Vista / IE7.
U can fix this?

All I know is Avast! is less-compatable with Windows Vista. / There is a new version of Inernet Explorer, IE8.

Sorry but that is rubbish, avast works fine with Vista or the forums would be full to bursting with reports and this clearly is not the case.

@ juanhdez
The web shield only monitors HTTP traffic using port 80 and they have to be using the HTTP protocol. I rarely use RSS, so I’m not familiar with it, but if it isn’t using the standard HTML protocol or port 80 then the web shield doesn’t scan it.

Can you give some more details and perhaps some links ?

you enjoy when you lie?!!!


I know that… RSS is XML, but the problem not is with RSS, the problem is with the internal WEB browser of the RSS reader (which is based on IE).

To test it:
1.- Install FeedDemon (newsgator.com/Individuals/FeedDemon/)
2.- Open it, and type some URL into the address/search textbox (normally we click on some article’s link, but the result is the same) and press Enter to open internal browser tab.
3.- U can download virus test (like eicar) from normal web (HTTP:80) pages (HTML), WebShield doesn’t scan.
4.- U can navigate through urls that you previously put into the “block list” of the Web Shield.

Optional for developers: Create a web-browser using the ActiveX WebBrowser Control of IE. (VB6 sample video: youtube.com/watch?v=ePySn_mQnXQ, but U can use Delphi, VC#…) and verify if the WebShield scan/block evil web content…

Could it be the same problem as there previously was with the Iron Browser… I mean that the application simply isn’t scanned by default yet… ???


Whats the name of the .exe-file you run? (something like FeedDemon.exe ???)

EDIT: I tested it and found the solution - guidance coming soon! :wink:

Here’s the way how it worked for me:

Please follow this steps:

  1. Rightclick Avast-symbol in the taskbar → Program Settings

  2. Go to Troubleshooting-page → tick “deactivate avast self-defence” (probably the name is different)

  3. OK

  4. Go to the DATA-folder in the Avast! installation folder (usually in C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA)

  5. open avast4.ini

  6. scroll down to the [WebScanner] section.

  7. make a new line directly under [WebScanner] where you write: OptinProcess=FeedDemon.exe
    (also see the picture I added…)

  8. Save and close the avast4.ini

  9. Rightclick Avast-symbol in the taskbar → Program Settings

  10. Go to Troubleshooting-page → untick “deactivate avast self-defence” (probably the name is different)

  11. OK

  12. Now restart your computer

  13. Try if Webshield now scans your webtraffic by FeedDemon…

You shouldn’t need to disable the self-defence to do this if you use ‘Notepad’ once you save the changes the self-defence will ask if it is OK, answer yes.

Thanks!!! :smiley:
Now WebShield scans the web traffic by FeedDemon.

Next, the steps to resolve the issue (based on the onlysomeone & DavidR’s replies):

  1. Go to the DATA folder in the Avast! installation folder (C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA)
  2. Open the avast4.ini file with NOTEPAD as Admin.
  3. Scroll down to find out the [WebScanner] section.
  4. Add a new line under [WebScanner] section where you write:
  5. Save the avast4.ini file. Avast self-defense will warn you about the change, accept it.
  6. Restart the computer.

Lesson learned: I must learn to use avast4.ini
Request for Avast Team: Add this option in the GUI…

Thanks again guys!!!

You’re welcome!

Possibly/Hopefully Alwil adds the FeedDemon.exe to the list of scanned applications… like they did with the Iron webbrowser…
