Few Info Needed

For the first time I have installed ASM on my LG Android.

Few info needed —

  1. Automatic Update shows 3 icons, WiFi, 3G, Roaming.
    How to set automatic updates for WiFi only & not 3G & Roaming?
    What is Roaming?

  2. How can I change Anti-Theft disguised name?
    Is it possible to change/rename the anti-theft disguised name?

  3. During Anti-Theft install I didn’t chose Root Install as I didn’t want to. But after install & during setup I got an option Install as Admin, should I install it as Admin?
    Is Admin Install & Root Install different?

  4. I install ASM from Android Market. I didn’t tried to set up Anti-Theft at that time & chose later. Later I tried to install it through GUI. It mentioned some customize anti-theft for you, what does this mean? And also downloads the anti-theft setup, does this mean anti-theft setup is not included in the original ASM setup?
    Is there any difference setting up Anti-Theft during install & later through GUI?

  5. Password Protection only accepts number & not alphabets, etc, right?

  6. Firewall need root install, right? There is a setting for FW enable/disable, which is disbaled by default. If I enable it does it automatically install as root install or it will ask for root install?



I’ll be glad to answer your questions:

  1. Automatic Update shows 3 icons, WiFi, 3G, Roaming.
    How to set automatic updates for WiFi only & not 3G & Roaming?
    Activated connection types have a black background and a small orange triangle on the bottom.
    What is Roaming?

  2. How can I change Anti-Theft disguised name?
    Is it possible to change/rename the anti-theft disguised name?
    you have to un- and reinstall the anti-theft app to change the name. hint: open avast! mobile security, enter the settings - there you find an uninstallation wizard.

  3. During Anti-Theft install I didn’t chose Root Install as I didn’t want to. But after install & during setup I got an option Install as Admin, should I install it as Admin?
    Is Admin Install & Root Install different?
    The Admin setting you refer to is the Device Administrator setting. It’s a regular phone setting (available on non-rooted devices that is needed to allow the app to wipe the phone).

  4. I install ASM from Android Market. I didn’t tried to set up Anti-Theft at that time & chose later. Later I tried to install it through GUI. It mentioned some customize anti-theft for you, what does this mean? And also downloads the anti-theft setup, does this mean anti-theft setup is not included in the original ASM setup?
    Is there any difference setting up Anti-Theft during install & later through GUI?
    The customaziation means that you can set a custom name for the anti theft app. A unique installation package is created on our server for every user specifying a custom name during the installation. It’s the same process if you install both apps (anti-virus and anti-theft) at once or anti theft later.

  5. Password Protection only accepts number & not alphabets, etc, right?
    correct. you wouldn’t be able to “dial” letters in your phone app in order to open anti-theft, would you?

  6. Firewall need root install, right? There is a setting for FW enable/disable, which is disbaled by default. If I enable it does it automatically install as root install or it will ask for root install?
    Firewall needs root privileges. correct. If you enable it, the firewall becomes active. Nothing in the installation is changed since the “rooted installation” option only applies to the anti theft part.

I hope I answered all your questions to your statisfaction.



Werner was faster but since I already wrote my answers, I will post them anyway :slight_smile:

  1. Those options that are checked apply meaning that if you want the automatic updates to work only on Wi-Fi, you leave only the Wi-Fi checked.

  2. You can choose this at Anti-Theft install time, you can’t change this after installation.

  3. Device Administrator and Root installation are two different things. Device Administrator is available on all newer devices and provides the application some more privileges in your system (for example uninstall protection).

  4. No, the Anti-Theft setup is completely separated from AMS setup. Customized Anti-Theft means you can choose the disguise name for the Anti-Theft application, the application is then created by our servers for you and downloaded to your device. There is no difference between setup in the Wizard and the GUI setup as you call it. You can also choose between non-rooted and rooted Anti-Theft installation which can’t be changed later. If you choose rooted installation and your device is rooted, Anti-Theft will be more powerful.

  5. Correct, that is so you can use your dialer application to bring up the Anti-Theft UI in the case the Anti-Theft is completely hidden (available on rooted devices only).

  6. Firewall asks for root permission during runtime. That means your SU application will get called when you try to enable your firewall or you will receive an error dialog if your device is not rooted.


Thanxx Werner & Filip Havlicek.

Few more queries —


  1. Automatic Update shows 3 icons, WiFi, 3G, Roaming.
    How to set automatic updates for WiFi only & not 3G & Roaming?
    Activated connection types have a black background and a small orange triangle on the bottom.
    What is Roaming?

So if I am in roaming & have set automatic updates to WiFi only i.e 3G & Roaming disabled, can avast connect to WiFi & update?

  1. During Anti-Theft install I didn’t chose Root Install as I didn’t want to. But after install & during setup I got an option Install as Admin, should I install it as Admin?
    Is Admin Install & Root Install different?
    The Admin setting you refer to is the Device Administrator setting. It’s a regular phone setting (available on non-rooted devices that is needed to allow the app to wipe the phone).

Its mentioned recommended but not checked by default, why? I think should enable it, right?

Filip Havlicek

1) Those options that are checked apply meaning that if you want the automatic updates to work only on Wi-Fi, you leave only the Wi-Fi checked.

But the tapping doesn’t works good here. To enable/disable WiFi & Roaming is not that tough but disabling 3G is very tough, you need to tap a lot to disable it. Any info?

5) Correct, that is so you can use your dialer application to bring up the Anti-Theft UI in the case the Anti-Theft is completely hidden (available on rooted devices only)

But letter, etc password protection can be provided, right? i.e Avast can provide letter, etc password protection too if they want, right?


  1. What do you mean the tapping doesn’t work well? That the icon is too small for your screen?

  2. Not really. We could do an alphanumeric password, sure, but then you wouldn’t be able to access hidden Anti-Theft UI at all.


  1. Not really. We could do an alphanumeric password, sure, but then you wouldn’t be able to access hidden Anti-Theft UI at all.

… Indeed - how do you call a non-numeric number :slight_smile:

The icons are slightly smaller than avast round icon on the top.

The thing is if I tap WiFi & Roaming to enable/disable they work in 1-5 taps. But 3G needs a lot of tapping app. 25-30 or sometimes even more. First I thought 3G cannot be disabled but after tapping a lot it worked. I tried few times & enabling it works like others but disabling need a lot of tapping, dont know why?

You mean to say avast could do an alphaneumeric password & it can work with antitheft not hidden but for hidden antitheft only neumeric passwords, right? Sorry if this question is stupid, I am not getting it. Currently I am trying 2 mobile security on 2 cells, Comodo & Avast. In Comodo Anti-Theft, hidden antitheft feature is currently not available & I can set alpha password for it.

What device do you use? The icons are not smaller on my devices! :o

That is correct. If you hide the avast! Anti-Theft, it is not visible in the application list. So your only option to launch it is actually by calling your password. The call gets canceled and Anti-Theft UI pops up.


LG Optimus 500

what filip is trying to say is: we use a numeric password because the same password is used in avast! Mobile Security and avast! Anti-Theft (having two separate passwords would confuse users). Now, for Anti-Theft we NEED a numeric password because you must be able to call it like making a phone call - this is needed to access Anti-Theft if it is hidden. So we can not allow alphanumeric passwords because you can not call alphanumeric passwords.

I have exactly the same device and the icons are slightly larger than the ones in the notification bar and I have no problems tapping all of them.
