file deletion apon execution


I built a simple opengl program with visual studio 2012, but when I run the debug
version of it, it gets deleted and windows reports that it cannot find the file specified.
When I disable avast it runs fine.
What is happening? Avast gives no indication that it is doing anything.

hi eold012,

I think you mean that avast! is blocking execution of the debug program, moving it to avast! quarantine, and then windows can’t find the file. You then restore a backup copy and disable avast! and it runs fine in debug?

Apparently yes, I checked the virus chest and it had been moved there.
I scanned the file and avast didnt find any viruses (of course), but when I run it
avast keeps moving it to the virus chest.
Is there any way I can stop it from doing this?

I added its folder to the file system shields exculsion list and now it runs.
Thanks for your help


I’d be interested to know what Virus Total dot com has to say about your program: or VirSCAN dot org: or jotti dot org: Maybe it is the debugger?

Its a very strange set of circumstances that this happens,
only when compiling in “debug” (against the debug versions of the windows libraries,
and without optimisation) and when linking with

Surely avast! doesn’t just delete the file for no reason at all and without notifying you. What was the detection name in the virus chest?