file explorer opens slow

I experience a short delay when opening file explorer
I did not have this problem with other AVs that I tried

windows 10 pro x64
avast free 2016

Please define “short delay”? What are you comparing “short delay” to?
What version of avast v2016? The latest release is v2016.11.1.2245
Any other security software you have now or ever had?
If removed how was it uninstalled?
What are your file shield settings?

I have de same problem when opening the file explorer from the task bar (it opens more slowly), with other AVs there are no problems (The file explorer opens instantly). I don’t have others AVs, only avast free, and the uninstall of all AVs is done with the specific removal tool.

Avast Free 11.1.2253 (The file shield settings are by default).
Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bits.