Avast detected a virus (“mugly”) in a Quickbooks file (bszip.dll) a few weeks ago, so I moved it to the chest. Now I am unable to update my Quickbooks. I scaned the file in the chest again, & now Avast no longer detects a virus in it! What happened to the virus? Apparently the file cannot be restored, but I have the option to extract it. What does this mean & how do I do it? Will I be able to use the file again?Thanks.
Obviously it is possible that the first detection was a false positive and the VPS corrected to cater for that FP. You can restore the file from within the chest.
Once you restore it scan it again just to confirm.
A very good reason for not deleting but moving to the chest on detection.
My suggestion to you (maybe not really good, but…) try to extract this while somewhere, where you can easy to find it, and try to use online scanner. If i’m not wrong kaspersky should have something similar to avast online scanner which sans the files you want. Sorry if there is any rude mistakes in my english.
Thanks for you advice - but Avast won’t allow me to restore this file to it’s orginal location; Data1.cab file, I have tried extracting it tot hat location, but am unable to do that either! Any suggestions? When I try to update or repair QuickBooks I get an error message saying that this file is missing ifrom the Data1.cab file & so it won’t proceed with the update/reapir. ARGGG!
If you are able to extract it, do so to a tempory folder of your choice than copy/drag it to the original folder. I see your problem because data1.cab is a file not a folder, so avast can’t insert the file into it.
Does Data1.cab (compressed, cabinate file) still exist? - I’m not sure if avast can extract infected files from within a .cab file - perhaps avast moved the data1.cab file to the chest?
Do you have the original set-up/installation CD? - if so can you find the data1,cab file there and copy it to the required folder.
I have also answered in the other thread you created, you should really have kept it in one location.
SORRY! The Data1.cab file exists in the PConfig folder…& I restored the bszip.dll file to the same folder…but I’ m unable to drag it into the Data1.cab file. Support on the Quickbooks website is nil. Any other advice? Why did Avast recommend moving this file to the chest if I’m not able to reverse the action?
try to temporarly disable resident protection before restoring your file…
At the risk of repeating myself again - please abandon the other thread and keep related items in the same thread otherwise it gets confusing and creates duplication.
Follow my instruction about restoring the data1.cab from the original set-up/installation CD? - find the data1.cab file there and copy it to the required folder over writing the other one. Or you can rename data1.cab in the PConfig folder to data1old.cab and preserve the original.
There shouldn’t be any need to disable resident protection, since as you said the file is no longer detected as infected.
I have abandoned the other thread…sorry for the confusion! HOWEVER, I seem to have fix the problem! I noticed there was a Windows Installer Package icon in the PConfig file…so I ran it…it took about 30 minutes, but the necessary updates were finally installed! I don’t know whatever became of the mysterious/troublesome bszip.dll file, but maybe it was repaired or replaced along with the updates? Thanks for your help!!!