Starting 2 weeks ago, we are no longer able to up[date our TORO application: “File Reputation Warning” “The file you are downloading seems to be very new or very rare” We have disabled AutoSandbox, and uninstalled Web Rep (Browser Pretection). Do you have any ideas what module is stopping this? Why in just the last 2 weeks?
Why AutoSandbox, why WebRep… how about File Reputation, when it’s a “File Reputation Warning”?
In this particular case, unchecking “Web Shield / Expert Settings / Main Settings / Warn when downloading files with poor reputation” should be enough.
As for why now… the file has probably changed, is not signed, and only very few users have it.
Dear Igor, I just found that 2 minutes ago. I never knew that was there. You are correct, sir, and THX (-:
Dear Igor,
If these files were signed, would that solve the problem?
Yes, it should.