ok so a while ago I’d made 2 topics about 2 bugs on the file system shield that slowed down the system BADLY (on v1483)
the first was a bug where avast couldn’t tell the difference between read & run. that bug’s been fixed in v1488 8) (apparently)
the second is a bug where scan-on-write is always on (cant be disabled)…and that bug still aint fixed ???
so everytime I move/copy/write a bad file (for test purposes) avast pops an alert even if scan-on-write option aint ticked. also alerts when I try to view a bad file inside an archive (cause winrar always makes a copy of the file in a temp folder in other words a “write operation”)
that 2nd bug is still a huge bug cause it slows down the system a lot (even worse for those of us who aint got SSD drives)
every time a file is just WRITTEN, avast scans it >:( >:(
which is useless actually since writing a file by itself aint dangerous it’s only the execution part that’s risky
so any chance they’ll fix this? (do they know about the bug?)