[File Shield] half-congrats: read/execute bug fixed, but WRITE bug still there

ok so a while ago I’d made 2 topics about 2 bugs on the file system shield that slowed down the system BADLY (on v1483)

the first was a bug where avast couldn’t tell the difference between read & run. that bug’s been fixed in v1488 8) (apparently)

the second is a bug where scan-on-write is always on (cant be disabled)…and that bug still aint fixed ???

so everytime I move/copy/write a bad file (for test purposes) avast pops an alert even if scan-on-write option aint ticked. also alerts when I try to view a bad file inside an archive (cause winrar always makes a copy of the file in a temp folder in other words a “write operation”)

that 2nd bug is still a huge bug cause it slows down the system a lot (even worse for those of us who aint got SSD drives)

every time a file is just WRITTEN, avast scans it >:( >:(
which is useless actually since writing a file by itself aint dangerous it’s only the execution part that’s risky

so any chance they’ll fix this? (do they know about the bug?)

so any chance they'll fix this? (do they know about the bug?)
have you tried latest version. 1488.

um this is about v1488

v1483 had both bugs, in v1488 the 1st bug is fixed but not the 2nd bug