File Shield Packers Setting

I have played with the File Shield’s packers setting, and have a question. I of course have had it at default, but also no packers and all packers. I haven’t seen a decrease or increase in the File Shield stats one way or the other, and I don’t notice any difference in performance/memory/CPU either. I was expecting a decrease in files scanned with no packers set, and I was expecting a massive increase with all packers selected. I was also expecting the same in terms of performance/memory/CPU too.

Maybe I don’t fully understand what the packers setting does, but on my slim system, choosing all packers doesn’t hurt performance whatsoever, so it seems to me, that all packers is the best setting?

Any thoughts or other input to help me better understand the packers setting in the File Shield would be greatly appreciated! ;D

It depends, if you have many packed files on your system.
If not, there will be no big difference. :wink:

lol I figured it was that simple! ;D

No need to ask then. :wink:

Only stupid question, is the one not asked. :stuck_out_tongue:

True. :slight_smile: