I have been having trouble with sending files via the Yahoo IM. I believe there problem lies with the Avast virus scan on one end or the other. It was interferring with sending files using email. causing an SMTP error I was able to disable the scanning of outbound files since they are already scanned. This fixed the emailing of files. Still have not figured out the problem with sending and receiving files on the Yahoo Instant Messenger. Any help would be appreciated.
What appears to happen is the files start to transfer then it is stopped by user. I do know the user is also running the Home version of Avast with Windows XP Home, like I am. Both of us are running Yahoo Instant Messenger version
File transfered with Yahoo IM should be scanned by the avast IM provider…
If Yahoo IM is using standard smtp port (25) to do it, well, you’ll need to exclude Yahoo IM process:
Edit your avast4.ini file at the [MailScanner] section and add a line:
Click ‘Settings’ in my signature for more info.
Welcome to avast forums.
Also, have you noticed that Yahoo! messenger informed you about the fact that one of you two, has firewall installed and it’s blocking the file transfer (or maybe both). Firewalls are usually those which block sending/receiving files through messenger applications. Also, you need to open those ports needed for sending/receiving files through Yahoo! messenger on your hardware router/firewall if you have it. I don’t know what are those exact port numbers, but you can check it with Yahoo! staff. It’s their field and they should be able to provide you with details.
Edit: This is an example how to do it on one of those nice D-Link routers:
Regarding the file transfer, here is exactly the section you need (of course in case you have this router, if not, wel… situation is pretty much the same with all those routers)