Somewhere in the install instructions I saw some info about setting in your email program if you want Avast to check emails.
Where do I place this info? I’m using Agent 1.93.
Somewhere in the install instructions I saw some info about setting in your email program if you want Avast to check emails.
Where do I place this info? I’m using Agent 1.93.
If you use the mail protection wizard and just set it to protect all your accounts it will do it for you.
go to your programs and find
Avast! Antivirus
then select
Mail Protection Wizard
That’s the program to set up your e-mail.
I hope it helps.
Doesn’t work for Forte Agent
At least I had to set it up manually.
Not very hard, but then again - I’m an IT tech
Might be harder for “novices”
How about adding Forte Agent to the wizard ?
avast! is mantioned in the Agent newsgroups a lot now…
Did you make sure Forte was turned off while you were running the Wizard? I’m pretty sure that’s necessary for any email client you’re using, for the setup to “take” and be saved properly.
Don’t remember. Anyway. For me it wasn’t any problem. I changed the adresses inside Agent as described in the help file.
But if avast! is supposed to change the agent.ini file to do this automaticly, then it should work. And Agent is a “nice” program, even if you change the .ini file while it’s running the changes is kept
Here is a small file I made on setting up avast! with Agent.
If I say anything wrong here, please correct me
How to setup avast! mail-scanner with Forte Agent
In the Forte Agent configuration file “agent.ini”
please check that these lines are in these sections
(change parts to your servers and your adress):
If you only use the default pop3 server you can drop
the part from “#” and the rest of the line. If you use several
pop3 servers you can select what pop3 server to use after “#”
In the avast! configuration file “avast.ini”
please check that these lines are in these sections
(change parts to your servers and your adress):
“Trust=” ensures that only your PC can use avast!'s
mail-server (otherwise it can be used from other places on the
net - if the access is not blocked in your firewall that is)
“PassTrough=0” stops all mail useage until the avast! mail-
scanner is active (to prevent unscanned mail passing through)
[EMail] POPAccount="#"Lars-Erik Instead of souldn't that say: #
Your so right. Sorry
You did all the hard work buddy.