finding and deleting a threat blocked script

I use a Mac product called MovieSherlock to download videos from the web. Every time I used it I get the “Threat Secured” message from Avast saying it blocked the threat from

HTML:Script-Inf[Susp] on hxxp://

Years ago I had a couple of podcast tutorials authored by Jason Welsh on this Mac, but they were deleted sometime ago. I’ve not gone to this website ever unless it was back then.

See attached screenshot for full alert image. Is there some malwarescript buried in my computer that gets activated by Movie Sherlock in some way? How do I find it and get rid of it?

I went directly to the URL that you’ve provided. And I had to edit it to make it “unclickable”.
It seems that there is really a malware on the mentioned site. It’s linked from another URL that is detected by other engines as well. See

yes-already know that address is flagged as malware by detection software. BUT–what is sending the computer there and how do I find this code and disable or delete it? It only seems to happen when MovieSherlock is used. Delete this app?

unfortunately, no idea :frowning:
It may be somehow linked from the app. Or maybe it’s as an URL/link in the app or some records.