finding ip addresses

how do i find the ip address that the viruses are coming from??


please elaborate what you mean… :wink:

Netstat will tell you all your current connections.
ports & IP’s
Start → Run → Type (command if win98 ) cmd then netstat

If it’s via a email, the headers are normally changed so you get incorrect info at your end.

Not sure if that’s what you meant?



Anyway, no use of IP even if you find it… what can you do with that ? Nothing…

You can find who is his/her ISP and that’s pretty much all… His/her ISP won’t release any personal data of their customer. It’s policy in almost every single case. Second thing, that IP can be totaly incorrect if he is behind firewall, especially if it’s case with those viruses/trojans/whatever that will spread themselves automaticaly from his/her address book. In that case, he is not responsible in any way for sending any kind of malicious code…

Endless circle…

Best solution: Keep your antivirus auto-updated (virus definitions as well as program update), and install some good software firewall (so many freeware firewalls out there, ZoneAlarm, Sygate, Outpost etc.), and if you have hardware firewall as well, you are complet my friend… no worries.

Cheers !