Finding phone location

I am new to the Antitheft features and was testing out the location finding via the website. I normally keep my GPS turned off, but I understand location can be detected via Wifi or cell tower id. The problem is, with GPS turned off, wifi detected my location to be in TX, but I am in IL. I tried 4 times, and received 2 different sets of coordinates, both in TX, and nowhere near my actual location in IL. I can’t seem to find where it is pulling this from. Doing a whatismyip location from my phone through wifi, it at least knows the city and state my IP is in.

it always depends on the quality of data google has present for your WIFI location. sometimes its wrong or simply not present. you can install Anti-Theft rooted though to auto-enable GPS.

I discovered that enabling Google Location Services does the trick, although I usually keep that turned off. Is it possible to auto-enable Google Location Services without rooting?

no there is no way to automatically enable it, rooted or not, as this will trigger a dialog.