Finish Installing Device Software?

I am not sure why this is being displayed. I have all the latest drivers installed already. How can I find which device this applies to?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Solved. This was a device update, actually a forced Microsoft update. I didn’t ask for it cause my drivers are newer. It was for the Intel bluetooth adapter.

Not solved. That was a different issue which I mentioned. Sorry. I still see this Install thing.

That was a quick resolution
Glad you solved it :slight_smile:

Sorry, it is not solved yet. I still see this Install thing in the Action Center.

Have you rebooted, you might also get some more information from viewing reliability history under maintenance in the action centre.

It sounds like it might have been an interrupted device install from a usb that was removed before completing :-\

click on turn off messages reboot it should clear it.