Firefox 1.0 release available

Firefox’s 1.0 preview release is now available for download. Ive installed it and it seems to be working great

I’m lovin’ it…

I assume you are using the nightly builds download (what url did you use), since the regular download page still shows 0.9.3 as the latest version.

Hm,i downloaded it from official Firefox webpage where i usually download all regular versions.

indeed, updated, also mentioned on /. today.
and as you can see there, thunderbird also gets a boost to 0.8 !

both installed and working nicely…

Thanks RejZor, I used the default bookmark for Firefox Help which takes you to the site and they haven’t yet updated their site.

Downloading it now, absolutly screaming along at between 3.5 and 4KB per second (sharing with browsing, etc.), oh the joys of dialup.


P.S. Thanks for the heads up Connie

Hehe popup blocker notification is almost identical to the one in IE6 SP2 ;D

P.S. Thanks for the heads up Connie

yer very welcome David :slight_smile:

gotta love it… and yes I updated Thunderbird to… Be VERY sure to uninstall THunderbird before doing the new 8.0. You will NOT lose your addresses… if you dont delete it first you’ll get a boatload of probs.

Im using the Noia 2.0 Extreme Theme in both… . super nice

great programs!

Hey… heres sumthin fer ya!

The only hassle at the moment is several of my extensions are not compatible with the 1.0PR version. Many are reported (possibly incorrectly) as not being compatible with firefox .10 (not 1.0), so it woild appear that the version is not being correctly identified.

This could be just a bug in the extension recognising the 1.0 PR version as .10 when many extensions have a minimum version number of .9 or .8 for compatibility. So if we have any firefox forum registered users they could check it out.

The most important (for me) would be the BBCode extension as 1.0 still doesn’t like posting on forums.

Hopefully this will be resolved quickly.

David… this ones at the extension site and installs fine: BBCode 0.3.2

Thanks, Connie quite a few of my extensions were reported as incompatible during the re-install and I clicked the option to update extensions. However, several including BBCode didn’t update, so I assumed that there was no update available. I have set it to uninstall at next restart and I will download it again.

Looks like I having all the fun with glitches and the latest version.

I tried to download the BBCode extension, only to bump into the Install Software block. Even though I have the site added to the Allowed Sites, firefox keeps poping up the block (see image). Has anyone else experienced and if so did you find a solution ???

DavidR… hummm… it happened to me with one extension.
I added it to the allowed sites (allow websites to install software) and it installed fine for me. Maybe try removing it , and adding it again???

I completely uninstalled, rebooted and re-installed firefox 1.0. I then uninstalled all incomatible extensions, closed firefox and started again. is in the allowed sites, I have tried a number of extensions and the same problem, install blocked. I have cleared them out now and have to shut down to be sure and then try yet again.

Edit: Well looks like I’m stuffed, no joy what so ever getting over the Install Software block, even though the site is allowed and the ‘allow website to install software’ and the is in the allowed list. I even tried going to the homepage of the bbcode extension and adding that to the list but still blocked.

Without the Download With, Sort Bookmarks, Allow Right-Click and BBCode extensions firefox for me is unworkable, so it could be back to 0.9.3 and wait for a more stable version of 1.XX without the PR suffix.

groan… ???

someone help DavidR out here… Im not sure why its doing this to him… :cry:

Hi, I just recently downloaded both the new F.F. and T.B. versions and did not have any problems. David, I am not sure why you are having this problem, wish I could help. :-\

Thanks for the heads up connie, grabbed both F/fox and T/bird today and working no problem.

DavidR, you did un-install before updating didn’t you?

A complete un-install I mean. I can’t leave any trace (folder or reg entry) if I’m updating. Don’t figure, it seems to be only this machine out of 3 that I use. Have never been able to understand why.

murphys law ::slight_smile:

now im getting a “not a valid install pkg for EVERY single one of the extensions that i try to install” Even did a little test and got rid of one i KNOW worked cus I installed it earlier and now ITS doing the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

all griping aside… this is but a minor problem… I love the program… 1.0 seems to be working ALOT faster, and has some great new features to it.

DavidR… they will most likely get it fixed soon. I read thru alot of msgs on the forum there and it seems alot of folks using XP are having problems… but then others are having none…

but then… thats the norm :slight_smile: