I installed Firefox 23 release candidate and script shield does not detect anything … I’m back to version 22 and works … possible bug ???
Avast has only supported regular release builds of firefox (for the webrep), not alpha/beta/RC, etc. Don’t know if that would also extend to the other avast shields such as the script shied that you mention (or web shield), but I wouldn’t have thought so. But I really don’t know what has changed in firefox 23.0.
So I don’t know if that is the case here.
Only happens in the shield of script…something very strange…i reinstalled version 22 and everything is ok.
Strange, I would have though it would be the webrep with non-regular release versions of firefox.
I think I know what happens… If you disable javascript in the browser there is no activity on the shield of avast… In Firefox 23 have been removed the option to enable or disable the scripts from the options menu. Although it is assumed that it is enabled by default and can be modified only in about: config… But while I have not had any problem when navigating with the version 23 can be that something is wrong with avast… There is a release candidate 2 that is about to leave…we will see
http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=98764.0 firefox 11 to firefox 12 Similar thing happened …In addition the uninstaller firefox 23 was executed in autosandbox…
There is a topic somewhere here in the Forums about that. I can not find it. If this is the issue affecting Script Shield, I am sure Avast! will turn it around and find a fix.
I can’t see how this act (not being able to disable javascript) would effect the script shield. I mean if javascript was able to be disabled then technically there wouldn’t be any scripts to scan, but that isn’t the case.
There was a previous Firefox release (I think it was v17) that was incompatible with the script shield. Hopefully Avast will catch this before the release version of Firefox 23.
I am sorry I could not contribute to this issue with a satisfactory technical background.
But I thought I should bring to attention that since I installed “Firefox 23.0 beta (x)” the “Script Shield” does not pick up any event from internet.
The same thing goes for “Internet Explorer 11 for Win7 (Dev. Prev.)”
When I start “Windows Media Center” the “Scipt Shield” records just 1 event per Start!
firefox 23 rc 2 idem…shield of script dont work
I mentioned it here earlier.
Firefox 23 is about to drop in about a couple of days usually on tuesday. Like I posted before, if any official Avast people have updated scripshield dlls they would like to distribute b/c Avast doesn’t want to release a patch, we would welcome it.
Script Shield stuff is updated via “Virus Definitions Updates”. Basically, they could just use the virus definitions updates to ship the “patch”.
tomorrow relase final version firefox 23,Will be solved.?
Any news ? todat relase firefox 23…is fixit?
It’s good if Script Shield works, but it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t at the very moment for this very build of the browser. There are other shields that still keep you covered, like Web Shield, Network Shield and File System Shield. Those work regardless of the browser version and they also check scripts.
Easy solution: Use NoScript.
I do not think that that is correct … because then we might remove this shield … I think that every shield fulfills his function … ???
Just updated to the release version of FF 23 and can confirm script shield no longer working.
Yup, No Script Shield activity after update to FF23.