Firefox 3.0 blocking bug..and a sure way to run it down!

Hi malware fighters,

There is a very annoying blocking bug for the new release of Firefox 3.0 and Flock 2.0 for that matter, and it has been harassing users for quite some time now. You close down your session of FF and it goes on hidden, you can see it in your task manager and restart it from hidden on the desktop again. It must be memory related, because I had it with FF 2.0 and Flock 1.1. when running these browser together with the resident COMODO 3.0 firewall (very heavy weighing application on the old CPU). Well until the bug is fixed place the following very simple batch file onto your desktop to run FF down or restart it for that matter.

TASKKILL /F /IM Firefox.exe
PING -n 1 -w 500 >NUL
START /MAX "" "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

Save this code in Notepad as Firefox.batch and place it on the desktop,


polonus QMO crowd