Hum i dont remember Spywareblaster aplying anything to this browser other than Internet Explorer,
also is it realy useful when your using NoScript already?
Tell me your experience about it.
Hum i dont remember Spywareblaster aplying anything to this browser other than Internet Explorer,
also is it realy useful when your using NoScript already?
Tell me your experience about it.
Spyware Blaster is a thing of the past. Just like Spybot and Ad-Aware. No Script is a very good add on but blocks way too much for my taste. Ad Block Plus with Easylist and Fanboys list subscriptions is all you really need.
Immunization is an abandoned technology… Spywareblaster is the last (dead) survivor of it…
I abandoned this years ago as it simply stopped adding stuff to firefox or didn’t work with it any longer. Personally with AdBlockPlus (ABP) and the additional Filters, I added the Malware Domains subscription and that effectively does the same thing and is updated automatically through ABP. Add to that NoScript and the Web and Network Shield and you really don’t need SpywareBlaster.
Thanks for replys, AdBlockPlus + NoScript should be enough for the only Browser i use Firefox along the Network Shield (you meant Avast Network Shield i presume).
Absolutely ;D