Firefox and the script shield

The script shield stopped working with firefox 12 ::slight_smile: anybody else having problem or is it just me?

I just noticed it too. I have a Firefox 3.6 portable edition handy and I fired that up to see if script shield was working correctly for that old version and it was, so something changed in version 12 that is the cause. What I also noticed about Scriptshield and Firefox 12 is that it does intercept video scripts or flash scripts. Just check out any youtube video and another video site like NFL videos and script shield will detect the scripts related to all video playing, but nothing else.

Edit: Forget to mention. Windows 7 64 bit. Avast 7.0.1426

I just updated to Firefox 12, and the script shield is working fine for me.

Doing a fresh install of avast to see if it is just my computer… I shall be right back.

I can confirm that Script Shield is not working for me with Firefox 12, except as you noted for plugins’ scripts. It worked fine with Firefox 11, unless Firefox was started from Avast update popups.

reinstalled avast and the script shield still not working with firefox 12. :-\

I’m using Avast version 6.0.1367, so maybe that is why it’s working for me.

FWIW, I also see no Script Shield activity with Opera 11.62. However, it is working still in IE8.

I have noticed that the script shield works sporadically with Firefox, a little bit more consistently with Opera, but is seems most consistent with IE.

AMD Athlon XP 3000+ sp3 2.17GHz, 1.50Gb ram, avast!7.0.1426, Privatefirewall 7, Malwarebytes free, superantispyware free, Winpatrol free, Slimcleaner 3, 360Amigo sys.optimizer.

i think the reason the reason the script shield isn’t working with firefox 12 is because firefox updates to fast for avast maybe just like chrome? but i like firefox because it updates less than chrome. but the main reason i think IE works with the script shield still is because it updates less… am i right?

Something changed between Firefox 11 to Firefox 12 that is for sure. This was what 6 week beta period was for and Chrome has an even longer beta period. I don’t use beta software in general, but I am surprised none of the potentially millions of Firefox 12 beta users did not post about this problem sooner. So Avast users can stay with Firefox 11 for now, but the problem is that Firefox 12 has a whole host of security fixes (7 critical, 4 high, 3 moderate), although none are being actively exploited to my knowledge anyways.

Same situation over here!

Script shield is working in FF 12.0 on my XP system, though it doesn’t rack up a lot of scans only 20 so far today and not all of those are likely to be firefox related.

In order to test this I first has to enable the Behavior Shield, ‘Monitor the system for unauthorised modifications.’ Why this would be the case as I can’t for the life of me see the logic/direct linkage in that option and the script shield not working.

I do know that the script shield relies on the behavior shield being enabled (I can’t see the logic in that either), so perhaps it also needs all of the options in the behavior shield to be enabled. Having done my test I will disable the Behavior Shield, ‘Monitor the system for unauthorised modifications’ option again.

So any that are experiencing problems ensure that you have the Behavior Shield enable, including all options.

I have the Behavior Shield at its default settings. I never change that shield’s setting ever :slight_smile:

Just doing a test on my win7 system with FF 12.0 and Behavior Shield set to defaults and so far some activity 24/0 from the script shield. So it is also working on win7 Starter 32bit with FF 12.0.

So perhaps this is a 64bit OS thing as that appears to be the only difference on your signature to mine working with win7.

Sam as Coolmario88. Behaviour Shield has always been at default settings. Script Shield simply stopped working at all on Firefox with the update to Firefox 12, unless viewing some Flash presentations. But then, it is scanning Adobe Flash scripts, not Firefox scripts.

Hi All,

I’m experiencing same issue.

When Firefox updated, scripts were still being scanned, but after restart nothing and it has stayed that way.

I’m running Windows 7 64bit - Avast (latest) + Firefox (Latest) + Comodo FW (Latest with D+ disabled).

Hi All,

Sorry for double posting, but the issue is still very much present and there has been no feedback on this thread?

the script shield also does bad things with flash video and FF12.
The solution is to remove all traces of Mozilla Firefox 12 from your system and reinstall version 11 this is at your own risk. At least until Mozilla and Avast have sorted out their issues.
This is not ideal from a security perspective but it works for my situation and may suit you if you know what you are doing.

Backup your bookmarks and passwords only from your profle using Mozbackup first. Do not back up extensions and addons.
Get the older version from Firefox 11 here,
Remove All traces of FF12 from your Windows user profile and Program Folders on your system.
Temporarily pause the script shield and Install FF 11 and restore only your bookmarks and passwords with Mozbackup. Do not restore anything else or you will have to start again.
Once Firefox is installed and up and running restore your bookmarks and passwords, reinstall your addons and extensions fresh.
This has worked for me.

You can use Firefox ESR If you want to use a fully supported and patched Firefox which is compatible with script shield. The current ESR is bases on version 10. Also reading some Mozilla developer notes about Avast, they stated that a new Avast patch will be released at the end of this moth.

“From contact with the Avast! guys, they reckon this is an easy thing to fix and will get it done for their next update, this will release at the end of May. They ask if this is OK, or whether they should look at a more aggressive way to push out the fix — what do we think?”

The quote is about fixing a crash with Firefox b/c of Avast and not about scriptshield, but the point is Avast is going to release a patch at the end of May, which I guess should incorporate fixes for the script shield problems with Firefox and Chrome. However that is my speculation.

As for now, I am currently using ESR(based on Version 10), which isn’t all that different from version 12 from what I can tell. I just installed it in a different directory from my usual firefox, copied my profile with Mozbackup and I was good to go. Going to keep using it until Avast fixes the script shield issue whenever that is.