what is this
I gave up on trying to get into my old avast account and went with the free version today a new update for firefox blocked avast web report I am unfamiliar with web report what does it do? why would it be blocked by firefox?
I see this topic has been discussed still want to know what web report does?
Well two things, you don’t say what version of firefox, presumably 5.0 so the avast webrep add-on won’t work with that yet. Many such topics in the forums since the release of firefox 5.0.
Secondly your signature shows you have avast 5.0.677, which is positively ancient, the latest avast version is 6.0.1125. There is a pre-release beta version, 6.0.1184 on trial right now and the webrep that comes with that build works in firefox 5.0.
Have you checked the avast Help Center in the avastUI, see image extract.
I have 6.0.1125 pro
does not seem to make any difference to firefox
yes I am being lazy I have been offline so long I am finding difficult to get back in the swing of compute life
This will likely seem odd to you young folks but not sure it is worth the time it takes to figure out how it all works. I think you reach a certain age and start thinking is this how I want to spend my latter years
An idiot proof system for the older people would be great but is unlikely to show up in time just my view on things on this particular day. From generation to generation the computer age feels like it has the biggest generation gap machines may be why.
completely rhetorical.
You will have to wait for the next avast program update (which shouldn’t be long) or you can use the latest pre-release beta now at 6.0.1198.
There are many silver surfers on the avast forums ;D