Firefox doesn't start in sandbox with Avast 5.0.545

I get a errorwith Firefox 3.6.3 when i’am running it in the sandbox and it won’t start , when i run Firefox out of the Sandbox it does run. Can someone help me with this please???



I’m running FF 3.6.3 inside the sandbox as I’m typing this.
What is the error message you’re getting?


(0xc000007b) this is the message that i get when i’am running it in the sandbox . i’am running it now out off the sandbox.

I got an issue, just found now, when running Firefox sandboxed >>> most of my plugins don’t appear in the plugin list panel + flash doesn’t work :wink: …meaning the plugins that don’t appear are really not loaded.

you mind translating from Dutch? ;D (the error message)

…following my last post about plugins behavior when FF is sandboxed >>> sandbox settings: when internet access is granted to all apps instead of just web browsers (default setting I think), all plugins miraculously appear again in sandboxed Firefox ;D

Where are these settings then??

Using virtualization, I also only allow web brouwers to access the internet ( 3rd option ) and everything is working fine here. I suggest you email Petr about it :wink:

Greetz, Red.

do you get all plugins loaded in Firefox with your settings?

Yes, that was, reading your issue, the first thing I checked. Extensions, themes and plug-ins are all there.

Greetz, Red.


Waar vindt ik deze instellingen van da sandbox??

Where do i find these settings from the sandbox??

I tried a second time without excluding safe locations this time and it still doesn’t work, no plugins loaded…

Process Virtualization - Expert Settings - Internet Access

Greetz, Red.

rnuis, what’s your OS + Service pack? (see “Control panel → System”), do you use 32-bit or 64-bit OS? Thanks.

I just noticed this same thing; opened Ffox sandboxed, no flash or silverlight,(Adobe Acrbt/Java toolkit still there)…opened OUT of sandbox, they all appear…re-open IN sandbox, they all appear…re-opened IN sandbox again(back 2 back) and they are gone once more ???

good, so it’s two of us now ;D >>> you can still temporarily fix that by granting internet access to all virtualized software.

Tried to simulate that ( opening in, out, in etc. etc. … the sandbox ) but everything stays fine here.

Greetz, Red.

same here ::slight_smile:

@Logos, are you using normal FF 3.6.3 edition, aren’t you?
@Gargamel360, what’s your OS and FF version? Thanks.

@Logos, are you using normal FF 3.6.3 edition, aren't you?

3.6.3 also