After updating Avast to v. 8.0.1497, Firefox no longer appears - at all - in the software updater interface.
It isn’t that the software updater doesn’t show anything it all - it does show Internet Explorer for instance.
I’ve tried rescanning, resetting the software updater database, repairing Avast, and reinstalling Firefox. The problem remains.
My version of Firefox is the latest, 23.0.1, and seems completely legit - and the Avast web shield and script shield works perfectly fine when browsing using Firefox.
Is this something to worry much about and if so, how do I fix it?
Sorry - I searched for “firefox software updater” before posting this topic, and the only topics I could find were older ones where people experienced wrong version numbers and such, not anyone where Firefox didn’t show at all. Seems from the thread you linked to it isn’t just a problem at my end, which calms me a bit.
No problem, basically I didn’t search (‘firefox software updater,’ is very likely to return many hits, predominately older ones), but went to the topic I thought it might be in.
Considering this only occurred after the last program update 8.0.1497, I looked for that topic as people would be likely to report issue there. I then quickly scrolled through the topic until I found the reference.
It is about the software updater which is in the Avast Program. I just do not use it as Firefox does a very good job of updating it myself. Avast should stick with security issues and not become a bloated program full of apps that are not necessary. It ads another process to my computer. Most Avast users do not need a program to do their thinking for them. Avast can add anything they want to, it does not mean that I or anyone else has to install it. When I open up a program I check on the help button where updates are normally found. I do this when I have not used a particular program for a long time. We are Human Beings, we do not need a Security program to do all of our thinking for us.
I don’t actually use the Software Updater’s features either. I was just wondering whether the lack of Firefox-awareness indicated a corrupted install/other problems with either Avast and/or Firefox.