Firewall And spywareguard?

Hi all,

Just a newbie question:

If one has a good personal firewall (like Kerio) Do you really need a stuff like spywareguard??

Because Kerio can block the ActiveX etc. Does Spywareguard add extra functionalities?



it’s always good to have a layered defence

i agree with shgoh. i’m using 4home, firewall, spyware, and winpatrol.


Nothing is perfect (though avast! comes very close) … so it is a good idea to use an anti-virus program, a firewall, and at least 2 programs to fight against malware. :slight_smile:

It is the layered defence that SHGOH mentioned above. :smiley:

Did forget to install SpywareBlaster too while you have SpywareGuard


I have gone over this elsewhere in the forum, but will do so again here.

I recommend the following for a layered defense:
Script blocker
Cookie filter
Popup killer
Antispyware (resident guard is best)
Process guard (to prevent virus from shutting down antivirus software)

I did use Proxy filters at one time, but found that they needed to be constantly adjusted for web browsing. It is a matter of choice.

Antispam is nice but I do not find it necessary.


Could you suggest a bundle? Which programs are most appropriate for this configuration? Is these all free? How we can get those programs? Thanks

Could you suggest a bundle? Which programs are most appropriate for this configuration? Is these all free? How we can get those programs? Thanks :wink:

This is a very good normal safe way to protected your PC and OS while using your Avast, and it free.

  1. Ad-aware Free version

  2. Spybot - Search & Destroy v1.2

  3. You pick your free Popup Ad stopper

  4. SpywareBlaster v3.1

  5. SpywareGuard v2.2

  6. ZoneAlarm free version firewall

Very important always do MS Window Update and get all the Critical Updates and Service Packs, I mean all of it 100%. And always check for new update from MS Window Update.

Thanks for all your effort, I ll try. :wink:

Ok, here’s some of the freebies i use.

antivirus Avast AV 4.1 Home Edition (free w/reg)
spyware Adaware (free)
firewall Sygate Personal Firewall (free w/reg)
Cookie Wall (stops the cookies I want stopped)
email Mailwasher (so most of the junk never reaches me)
Popcorn (to reply to stuff I don’t want to download the attachments to)
browser Mozilla Firefox (easy to use ad blocking)
office Open 1.1.1