Firewall Applications Rules header ???

When I right click on the box next to “filter”, I get a garbled popup with inactive entries except “undo” as shown in the attachment. What is this supposed to do? I couldn’t find it in the help file. If you enter text, it does filter the groups to those with that text, but so what?

Filtering by name just lets the user find rules for applications more easily. If you actually type in text, “select all” will become active. It selects all the text you entered. And if you have something copied to your clipboard, you can select “paste” to paste the text into the box. “Undo” just reverts back to what you typed in earlier.

Thanks for the info. I typed in text and the other elements never became active (maybe I missed it ???), although the main display changed accordingly. The individual lines are garbled in W7SP1-space too small, extraneous symbols displayed as in attachment. Easiest fix was just to uncheck the “filter” box. :slight_smile: