Hello, I’ve been using avast mobile firewall in white list mode and have discovered a problem. I should note I never had this problem on my tf300 tablet, only on my current tf700. I’m not sure if its because of my device or an avast update.
This is the FTP server I’ve been using, along with an up-to-date filezilla client on my windows system. This isnt a Filezilla problem, as it doesn’t download properly with the default Windows7 ftp command ether.
While downloading a file from the tablet, of any size, when it reaches about 95 to 99% completed, the transfer pauses and just sits there. Eventually it attempts to redownload the file, but resume isn’t supported so I am never able to get the entire file. Its strange because it’ll stop at 99% regardless of file size. A 2mb image, or a 300mb video, they’ll both stop just before its completed and not transfer the last 500 or so KB. Its not exact every time, the am mount remaining appears to be random from what I can tell
When I disable the firewall, all FTP transfers complete perfectly.
I noticed the only thing the firewall blocked according to the log is ‘‘linux kernel’’ which tried to access my PC’s IP at some point. I don’t understand this at all, since I was able to transfer almost all of the file with these firewall rules… why would blocking Linux kernel only block the last bit of an FTP transfer? Or maybe this blocked attempt is something else to do with the reconnection/resume attempt? But still, the problem only exists with the firewall turned on.
Hrmmm, leaving the firewall enabled but allowing Linux Kernel access also solves the problem, so it is definitely the blocked kernel communication that is stopping the FTP transfer. But why at 99%?
this appears to only effect transfers from the tablet to the PC.
Status: Starting download of /Movies/IMG_20120916_001501.jpg
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode. 192,168,1,9,186,112
Command: REST 0
Response: 500 REST not understood
Command: RETR IMG_20120916_001501.jpg
Response: 150 Binary data connection... sending file /Movies/IMG_20120916_001501.jpg
[b]Response: 226 transfer complete
Error: Connection timed out[/b]
Error: File transfer failed after transferring 2,152,576 bytes in 22 seconds
Status: Connecting to
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 FTPServer ready (cwd is /)
Command: USER ***
Response: 331 - Login as *** OK. Send password
Command: PASS *******
Response: 230 - Password accepted
Command: OPTS UTF8 ON
Response: 200 OPTS command UTF8 ON understood
Status: Connected
Status: Starting download of /Movies/IMG_20120916_001501.jpg
Command: CWD /Movies
Response: 250 command succesful (/Movies/)
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Switching to mode TYPE I
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode. 192,168,1,9,201,34
Command: REST 2152576
Response: 500 REST not understood
Error: File transfer failed
Status: Starting download of /Movies/IMG_20120916_001501.jpg
Status: Skipping download of /Movies/IMG_20120916_001501.jpg
Status: File transfer skipped
I have bolded the weird part. When it says File Transfer Complete, it still shows the transfer at 99% in the queue, and when inspecting the file size of the downloaded file, it is smaller then it should be.
After a few seconds of sitting at 99% in the queue, but claiming its ‘file transfer complete’ it eventually decides it failed and retries…
More strangeness. I can download very very tiny files just fine. I was able to download a 1312 byte text file (binary mode) easily
when transfering a 500kb file it froze at 99.1% (519,960 bytes of 524,228). Re-trying the same file stops at 417,804 bytes. same file for a third time, 229,544 bytes. Same file 4th time: 386;984 bytes… its really random!
The FTP server’s log shows it transfered fine and doesnt show any problems.