Firewall needed What to choose?

Hi folks! :slight_smile:
I need a good & easy to use firewall, can anyone suggest me one?

Be safe - use Avast!

Give Comodo a try, I’ve been using it for several months and really like it.

I use ZoneAlarm Home (Free) which doesn’t conflict with avast! and is easy to use.
Why not use the built in search function in the forum.
There are many choices. You’ll have to make the final decison.
It’s your system. ;D

Thankyou for advice

Be safe - use Avast!

I second Zone Alarm free, although I also used Kerio for a long time.

Zone Alarm has an excellent web page to help you set up the firewall:

One more comment about ZA
It doesn’t recognize avast! as an AntiVirus program so just turn the AV monitoring function off in ZA.
Their forum is useless. :frowning:

I use SunBelt Kerio P.F.W. latest version and love it. :slight_smile:

Hi avatar2005,

If you are on a restricted limited user account, you could be safe with the standard one-way Microsoft firewall, it does not shows its existence, so silent workings.
When you want to be protected also against something seeking contact from your computer out, use of several good software firewalls is an option. Always remember ONE software firewall at a time, as it is with resident AV solutions, else the function of the FW can be hampered, and you can get an insecure situation.
With the free ZoneAlarm, check the settings from time to time, I always like to have it with questiuon marks, so the program asks me, at install set it for stand-alone on the Net or into a family Network; and I like to see an alert when some process wants to contact the modem or out, I like the colour green there 8),


Polls are the same reason GM makes Buicks, Caddy’s, Chevy’s - it’s a decision! But…you asked-----------

Pay for-----------Zone Alarm Pro


I tweaked your avatar image a little, you can use this one if you like.

Here are some tests that might help you decide. ( these are termination tests not leak tests)

Hi DavidR !
Thankyou for tunning my picture.

Your welcome.