firewall not available

Hello.I have avast 7.0.1426 installed.But firewall is turned off.When i’m trying to turn it on there is a tab popping out,that says: Firewall not available!
I went to add or remove programs->change or remove programs->avast.I did everything there-update,change and repair-still firewall not available.
What’s the problem?Please,help

I don’t suppose you recently removed another anti-virus?

Or do you have another currently installed?

Did you update and restart your machine?

My firewall also seems to not be working. I updated avast and rebooted my computer.
I just purchased the Internet Security yesterday. Everything is working perfectly except the firewall.

I don’t have any other antivirus applications installed and I tried turning off and on my Windows Firewall but still to no avail.
I tried going to “Fix now” and then clicked turn on firewall but the message I always get is “Unable to start Firewall!”

Please help.

what antivirus did you have before installing avast ?


OK try this
run McAfee removal tool to clear any leftover files that may conflict…then reboot

run and reboot - Uninstallers – Security Software

then run avast repair and reboot

For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

if that dont do it…try removing avast using avast removal tool, reboot and install avast again and reboot

If I have to uninstall avast, where will I be able to get it again and will it still be registered?

same place you downloaded it the first time…

and you did save the mail with the license file ?

Yes I did. I’m going to try it all now. I hope it works.

Thanks so much. The first two steps did the trick.

your wellcome

yep…avast dont like those leftover files

Well,i bought a used computer,and when i turned it on it was avast.But he would expire in 6 days,so i did some kind of update,and now it expires in 2013.
And yes,when i did all repairs and updates i restarted my computer(it’s laptop if it matters).Still firewall not available

me too having the same error…but i use microsoft security essentials also…will it affect avast’s firewall…??

robinthedoctor welcome to Avast! Forums.

This is a 1 year old topic. Much better to open your own topic with some sort of information about you and your issue like what is your OS ? what is your Avast! ? what was your old antivirus ? That sort of info would give us something to work on.

The most important point before installing Avast! is to remove any other AV you have in your machine, even if it is a trial version and it has never been activated. To do so you must use, beside the regular uninstall method recommended by the manufacturer, its removal utility.

Instruction and removal tools for antivirus and other security programs: