My users are updating to the just released version. However, I have the Avast Firewall disabled in settings. I don’t need it - just use the Windows firewall.
The problem is that now Windows is reporting that there are NO firewalls running. If I attempt to enable the Windows Firewall, it won’t let me - saying that Avast is managing settings.
How do I get the Windows firewall turned back on for my users?
What version of Avast for business are you using? What Os is installed on the clients? 32/64b? If you are using avast for business cloud you can log into your portal @ and uninstall the firewall on a test device to see if this resolve the problem. You can also submit a ticket to AFB Support at or chat with us during business hours 6-6 Mon-Fri EST
I can confirm that if I uninstall the Firewall product from a user’s computer in the console, when Avast alerts the user to Restart - the Windows firewall comes back to life.
However - there doesn’t seem to be a way to uninstall the firewall automatically from the console. And I don’t see myself manually doing it for hundreds of users.
This looks like a bug - when the console has the Firewall feature turned off - Avast should let the Windows firewall take over instead of blocking both options and leaving the user with no firewall.
This is also a new problem - the previous build did not have this issue.
Hello. You can disable the firewall within the web console. Doing so will allow you to use Windows Firewall.
You can turn off the firewall by logging into your portal and navigate to Network > Settings > Choose Template > Advanced > Active protection > Firewall. Turn it off then scroll down to bottom and click save. Allow some time for changes to sync and you should be good.
I think you missed my comments above - the firewall IS turned off in the console. The problem is that this latest build disables the ability to enable the Windows Firewall. If you go into Network and Sharing Center - then Windows Firewall, the firewall is disabled and there is an orange warning:
These settings are being managed by vendor application Avast Business Security
So you can’t turn on the Windows Firewall - you also can’t turn on the Avast Firewall, as it’s disabled in the console (where you indicated).
Again - this is a new problem that occurred in the most recent released build. It’s affecting all my users.
Hi Jim85, you can achieve your goal like this:
open the managament console → Networks → Devices → select device → click the Products tab → click to the uninstall next to the Firewall.
The entire avast firewall component will be uninstalled from device and you should be able to turn on win fw.
Unfortunately you have to repeate these steps for each device.
I appreciate the workaround steps Martin, however this is a bug and should be fixed. Can you confirm if this is going to be fixed in a new build, or is this the way it’s going to be going forward - if you turn off the Avast Firewall in the console settings, the client cannot use ANY firewall, including the built in Windows Firewall.
Hi Jim. I can confirm that we will definitely take a look on that and design proper solution. Regarding availability of such solution - I can’t promise right now because we need to prioritize that together with the rest of our roadmap.
My band-aid for now was to have Avast support uninstall the Avast Firewall from all my users in the portal. They were able to do that as a bulk operation saving me from doing it manually for hundreds of users.