I’m sure I am being stupid here. Spent many years using ZoneAlarm’s firewall, followed by many more years using Comodo. Just bought, installed and am configuring Avast Premier … but there is one area where the language used to refer to things in the configuration and help files is different from what i’m used to and I can’t quite figure out how to do one thing i need to do.
I have a few programs which need to be allowed to communicate either with other devices on my home wi-fi network, and/or via internet protocols with e.g. server programs on the same localhost machine, but which I do NOT want connecting to - or listening to - anything outside of my home network. On ZoneAlarm (at least back in the noughties when I used it) and Comodo more recently there was a simple separate giving of or denying permission to a program for local (that network) or internet in and out (so yes or no for each of local in, local out, internet in, internet out). I’m not exactly seeing that in Avast’s Firewall option, and I’m not clear how to get that effect for a pogram. Is it … something to do with to do with ‘Friend networks’ in the ‘old settings’?