firewall question

lol…i know i’m annoying but i’m so confused…never know what i want :stuck_out_tongue:
its the last question about this “firewall” thing…which is lighter on system resources comodo firewall or pc tools firewall?do not answer according to the latest news about pc tools(merged with symantec)…answer according to your own experience… :wink:

PCTools Firewall Plus… Hands down

I know you didn’t ask about ZA, but I have used PC Tools fw for quite a while. The last I used PC Tools fw, according to Task Manager it used less RAM than ZA (free) but ZA always responded quicker.

On my Dell with only 448mb RAM, for example the pop ups from PC Tools fw were slow, sometimes hesitating half way up before fully up. ZA is always fast. The numbers don’t always tell the whole story.

Here is a bit of advice from Matousec that is over looked:

You should try them (prospective firewalls) yourself and choose the one best for you, the one that you would be happy with, the one you would be able to configure and use everyday.

I’d say PCTools, but don’t change your mind! ;D

ok i will give pc tools a try… :slight_smile:

well i didint ask for ZA coz i stopped using…ZA was the best firewall some years ago and now is nice…but i think that comodo and pc tools are more effective now than ZA…my personal opinion though(And according to matousec)

anyway thank you all for your time and assistance…i will stop asking aabout firewalls now :stuck_out_tongue:

rdmaloyjr, the problem is that Matousec tests do not include ZA free…

I think this is not irrelevant, specially when we’re talking about resources usage in the future…

ZA free and their free products are a bit buggy on my pc, they even freeze it to death! :stuck_out_tongue:

haha…uve got a point…symantec is a pro in making products with huge memory usage…but there is a hope of pc tools not being a ram-eater…we will see in the future


I didn’t say the Matousec tests include ZA free.

BJ_GeOrgE, gdiloren & you didn’t get my point. I wasn’t trying to sell anyone on ZA free. ::slight_smile:

I know, I’m making a statement. I’m not correcting you.

Whilst they might not include the ZA Free version, that version has its outbound protection crippled to Medium level in the hope to get you to buy the Pro version.

So since the Pro version gets panned in the Matousec tests I think we can safely say that it would do worse than ZA Pro.

did u notice something interesting in the matousec results???the only internet security that has an effective firewall is kaspersky…all the others are rated as poor,very poor or none…interesting…even eset that has a very good AV has a terrible firewall…congratulations to kaspersky for making the only effective security suite(well maybe avast follow its success :stuck_out_tongue: )

I hope so.