firewall questions?

windows defender and avast firewall on at a same time is a good ideas or bad?

i currently set windows defender firewall, and maybe avast firewall is on and it’s no conflicted at this point, but i notices that at the forum they said is a not a good idea to set both firewall activate? ???

please reply :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

avast isn’t a firewall, I wasn’t aware that windows defender was a firewall either.

They are both OK together though, as a number of forums members use them.

so what you saying is avast pro doesn’t come with firewall?

b/c i just builted my own computer with intel core 2 duo E8400 come with windows defender; and my worries is that if i install avast there might be conflict if you have 2 firewall at the same time.

Neither avast home or pro is or comes with a firewall. There is a firewall in development but that is still some time off.

I suggest you check the windows security center and that will tell you what your firewall is. As I’m of the belief that windows defender isn’t a firewall but an anti-spyware,

So it appears that you don’t have a firewall unless you are using the firewall that comes with windows XP or Vista, but you didn’t say what your OS is.

i forgot to mention that i’m using windows vista premium 8)
but do you think is going to have a confliction? that’s all that i was wonthering.

avast won’t conflict with Windows Defender or Windows Firewall.


thanks alot ;D ;D

You’re welcome.

avast is not a firewall and it has not for sure a built in firewall in neither versions home or pro and windows deffender is more of an antispyware software and as far as i know it will not conflict with avcast at all.maybe you should start considering installing a firewall as well