After deploying a package to a client that included the firewall shield, I noticed that it is not listed under real time shields on the client? How do I find out if it’s on? It’s also not listed under the installed or runing providers of the client properties on the server. Why is this?
Did you CREATE the installation package with firewall or did you use a package where the firewall was not put in.
This is something different then setting the monitoring in the properties of the containers.
Yes, the Firewall option was definitely enabled when I pushed it out. Should there be a Firewall shield displayed in the Real-Time Shields?
What do you mean by ‘monitoring in the properties of the containers’?
well assuming you use the enterprise console:
You have to create a deployment package. There you have to enable the firewall module for installing.
In the containers where you can see the actual computers there are properties for monitoring all the shields. If you enable/disable these then there is no monitoring of those shields.
Suppose you created a deployment package without the firewall option then enabling the monitoring of the firewall will be useless since that firewall module is not in the installation and thus nothing to monitor.
The firewall will not show up if it is not in the deployment package…
Hi wpn, the Firewall shield was in the components list when it was deployed and it is enabled and monitored in the groups under Computer Catalog.
Even if the Firewall is in the components list and in the Computr Catalog, you need a valid license of avast! Endpoint Protection Plus or avast! Endpoint Portection Suite Plus.
What product are you using/licensed?
This is another known bug. You can configure Firewall and Anti-spam even if you don’t have license for it.
I’m currently using the DEMO license for the eval, could this be the cause?
Yes, can be. What product are you testing?
You can use EAS Maintenance tool to show the demo license info.
the EAS maintenance tool you can find on the EAS server in the start menu under avast
I’ve attached the license I’m using, can anyone see anything obvious?
This license file is for avast! Endpoint Protection Suite: without firewall or anti-spam.
Ah, I wasn’t aware of that restriction. So why did it still allow me to push out those components?
As I said, it is a known bug that we hope will fix in the next release.